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Karma Release

We are pleased to invite sincere and genuine spiritual seekers who resonate with this calling to join us for powerful, potent and potential unleashing Journey of Healing and Transformation with Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji.

The timing and location of this event has been specifically chosen and attuned to support and guide the People through this time of great turmoil and confusion on Planet Earth.

By attending you will contribute to the energetic clearing and elevation of not only yourself but all of Humanity.

Your decision to attend will most likely be a CALL of the HEART and those who are meant to be there will just KNOW instinctively.  Come if you would like to experience a phenomenal Union of Science and Spirituality that can exponentially uplift your consciousness in one weekend. Come if you are ready to finally FREE yourself from the whirlpool of KARMA that impedes your potential.

This 2-day journey will be power-packed with subtle and profound ‘Shaktipat Healing’ or ‘Spiritual Transmission’ by Siddha Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji who has been specifically blessed with these capacities.


In this Infinite Ocean of Possibilities do you ever feel that you are working hard but not getting the results you desire?

What if as the Siddh Yogis and Masters say, 97% of your Success and Failure is the result of KARMA stored as subconscious seeds which continue to play-out unconsciously in your life?

This Life Altering Journey is NOT FOR EVERYONE

but it is perfect for YOU if you relate to any of the following:

  • Do you ever experience repeating patterns of failure that impact your ability to attract the success, progress and happiness you deserve or dream of?

  • Do you ever feel victimised by situations and people?

  • Do you ever have problems with the flow of money or success in your business?

  • Are you unable to break free from unwanted emotional states of mind like, depression, fear, pain, anger or grief?

  • Do you have trouble attracting a fulfilling relationship with your self, a partner, your family or colleagues?

  • Have you experienced repeated mis-carriages?

  • Have you experienced any childhood traumas or abuse?

  • Do you suffer from destructive addictions or limiting beliefs of any kind ?


Participating in the KARMA RELEASE and HEALING Journey will help you


  • KARMA accrued in this and past Lifetimes

  • KARMA from your Ancestors that is affecting your happiness and progress in this Lifetime


You will clear large blocks of *KARMA* in a single session, create enormous amounts of free space and hence be able to flow more freely and create new situations, opportunities and happiness in life!

You will also learn how to avoid generating new KARMA in your daily life so that you can start to experience more permanent peace, happiness, bliss and positive progress in your material and spiritual world.

About the KARMA RELEASE Journey

DAY 1 – is about demystifying Karma, how we incur it on a personal soul level and how we accumulate it throughout many lifetimes.

DAY 2 – delves into ancestral Karma, how and why we inherit Karma from our ancestors and how it affects us on a day to day basis.

Releasing of Karma and deep Healing occurs through the Grace of the Master, Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji, a Realised Master and Himalayan Yogi, who also holds a master’s degree in Entomology.  He has been Blessed and Empowered by the Gurumandala or Ascended Masters, to REMOVE and BURN large amounts of KARMA on behalf of SINCERE SEEKERS who are now open, willing and ready to receive it.

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