Liberación de karma
Nos complace invitar a buscadores espirituales sinceros y genuinos que resuenan con este llamado a unirse a nosotros en un viaje de sanación y transformación poderoso, potente y potencial con Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji.
El momento y la ubicación de este evento han sido elegidos y adaptados específicamente para apoyar y guiar a la Gente a través de este tiempo de gran agitación y confusión en el Planeta Tierra.
Al asistir contribuirás a la limpieza y elevación energética no solo de ti mismo sino de toda la Humanidad.
Lo más probable es que su decisión de asistir sea una LLAMADA DEL CORAZÓN y aquellos que están destinados a asistir lo SABERán instintivamente. Venga si desea experimentar una unión fenomenal de ciencia y espiritualidad que puede elevar exponencialmente su conciencia en un fin de semana. Venga si está listo para finalmente LIBERARSE del remolino de KARMA que obstaculiza su potencial.
Este viaje de 2 días estará lleno de energía con una sutil y profunda 'Sanación Shaktipat' o ' Transmisión espiritual' de Siddha Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji, quien ha sido específicamente bendecido con estas capacidades.
En este Océano Infinito de Posibilidades, ¿alguna vez sintió que está trabajando duro pero no está obteniendo los resultados que desea?
¿Qué pasa si, como dicen los Siddh Yogis y Maestros, el 97% de su éxito y fracaso es el resultado del KARMA almacenado como semillas subconscientes que continúan desarrollándose inconscientemente en su vida?
Este viaje que cambia la vida NO ES PARA TODOS
pero es perfecto para USTED si se relaciona con cualquiera de los siguientes:
¿Alguna vez experimentas patrones repetidos de fracaso que afectan tu capacidad para atraer el éxito, el progreso y la felicidad que mereces o sueñas?
¿Alguna vez te has sentido víctima de situaciones y personas?
¿Alguna vez ha tenido problemas con el flujo de dinero o el éxito en su negocio?
¿Es incapaz de liberarse de estados mentales emocionales no deseados como depresión, miedo, dolor, ira o pena?
¿Tiene problemas para atraer una relación satisfactoria con usted mismo, su pareja, su familia o sus colegas?
¿Ha experimentado repetidos abortos?
¿Ha experimentado algún trauma o abuso infantil?
¿Sufre de adicciones destructivas o creencias limitantes de algún tipo?
Participar en KARMA RELEASE and HEALING Journey te ayudará
KARMA acumulado en esta y en vidas pasadas
KARMA de tus antepasados que está afectando tu felicidad y progreso en esta vida.
¡Limpiarás grandes bloques de * KARMA * en una sola sesión, crearás enormes cantidades de espacio libre y, por lo tanto, podrás fluir más libremente y crear nuevas situaciones, oportunidades y felicidad en la vida!
También aprenderá cómo evitar generar nuevo KARMA en su vida diaria para que pueda comenzar a experimentar una paz, felicidad, dicha y un progreso positivo más permanente en su mundo material y espiritual.
Acerca del viaje KARMA RELEASE
DÍA 1 : se trata de desmitificar el karma, cómo incurrimos en él a nivel del alma personal y cómo lo acumulamos a lo largo de muchas vidas.
DÍA 2 - profundiza en el Karma ancestral, cómo y por qué heredamos el Karma de nuestros antepasados y cómo nos afecta en el día a día.
La liberación del Karma y la sanación profunda se produce a través de la Gracia del Maestro, Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji, un Maestro Realizado y Yogui del Himalaya, que también tiene una maestría en Entomología. Ha sido Bendecido y Autorizado por el Gurumandala o Maestros Ascendidos, para QUITAR y QUEMAR grandes cantidades de KARMA en nombre de los BUSCADORES SINCEROS que ahora están abiertos, dispuestos y listos para recibirlo.
What is KARMA?Whether you realise it or not, KARMA affects every aspect of your life, which is in a constant unfolding of KARMA – “You reap what you sow!” The subtle energies created by our actions are stored in our soul, our sub-conscious mind and memories and activated at a later date. From a Vedantic perspective, you have lived for many previous lifetimes and the situations and circumstances of your current life are the result of the actions performed during all previous lives. This may make it easier to understand why bad things happen to good people or why an innocent child develops a life-threatening illness. “Everything happens for a Reason” and “Everything has Karmic Significance”. Unfortunately, through lack of awareness, many people remain trapped by their own “Karmic Software”, constantly repeating the same bad habits, patterns or mistakes in life and not reaching the level of peace, harmony, happiness and success they desire. The Karmic Curse causes you to forget who you really are. Your “Spiritual Path’, if you accept it, compels you to release the KARMA that is clouding your awareness, so you can remember who you really are and why you are here. Vedanta says that all your Karma is stored in the individual soul, or the aspect of the soul conditioned by Karma. Vedanta describes three types of Karma: that which you have chosen to process during this particular birth, that which is stored for later births, and the new Karma you generate every moment of your existence. Chakras store the Karma for this lifetime. Chakras are your subtle energy centres through which consciousness transforms into matter. Karma distorts that flow of consciousness, causing you to experience an illusory world. Clearing Karma helps you to step out of the illusion and this process can be greatly accelerated with the support of the right Master.
Can KARMA really be burnt?It is possible to burn your Karma through your Spiritual Fire. This Fire must be ignited by a genuine Siddh Master who will initiate you on the path. Through daily practice you can learn to burn your Karma or Spiritual Blockages. Not all Masters can heal, some only offer Satsang (Gnan Marg, wisdom, study of texts & scriptures), Bhakti Yog (Devotion), Hath yog (physical postures etc). Masters who have Kundalini activated and merged into Crown and further with the center of the Universe have been given the Grace to benefit other souls. One can only talk about the path he or she has experienced. “Shaktipat” or Divine Spiritual Transmission, can only be transmitted through a Realised Master and it has to be EXPERIENCED to be BELIEVED as it cannot be EXPLAINED!
Who is Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji?Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji is a Siddh Master and Meditator. A Siddh is a God Realised Master who has experienced the energy of the Infinite and is empowered to share the Grace he has received with genuine seekers. He is popularly known as the “Modern Yogi in Jeans” for his innate ability to translate and communicate the Sacred Knowledge and Energy of the Ages in a way that is easy to understand, assimilate and accelerates the spiritual development of people. He received his name ‘Aikam Aikoham’ from his Guru Barfani Babaji during his intense Sadhana in Himalayas of Badrinathji and Kailash Manimahesh. He has meditated in the Forests of West India, Rishikesh for a number of years and is the embodiment of many Masters and deities. Many of his teachings are directly imparted by Ascended Masters. Coming from ‘The Axil of Spirituality in the Himalayas”.
What is Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji 's Master Lineage?Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji was given his Yogi name by his Guru from the Himalayas, ‘Barfani Baba’. Another close Guru is an ageless, over 287 year old Nath Guru known as ‘Yogi Baba’ from the jungles of Bengal. He received direct Initiation from the Immortal Master Maha Avatar Babaji. As for the Gurumandala lineage of Masters; Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji is a “Unified Spiritual Master” – Masters from Kriya yoga, Maha Avatar Babaji, Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus, GuruNanak DevJi, Shiva, Maa Shakti all are present and work through his physical form. A Christian will witness Jesus in him, A Sikh will find Guru Nanak Dev ji, A Krishna believer will see him as the Lord, and so on… It is hard to describe or put it into exact words the ‘subtle power and presence’ of Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji. It can difficult for a normal human being to fully comprehend – or even a non-believer. Essentially, he presents as each one’s own ‘Belief Master’ - if you seek ‘Maa Kali’ he will know that, he connects through the energy that you hold faith in. If one accepts that there is a bigger force or source that is working, and that the lineage is a form manifested by that particular Energy, who has incarnated for a bigger purpose of Awakening. The Path of Truth is for Experiencing and Learning. So to say his Master Lineage is of all the Siddh (a liberated soul- the one who is accomplished, has achieved a high degree of physical as well as spiritual perfection or enlightenment) who have walked this Earth would not be an understatement.
What's involved in the journey? What form does karma clearing take? What to expect?The 2 Day Journey involves being guided into short Meditative sessions and experiencing the profound healing Energy. You are encouraged to ask your questions and seek guidance. Karma clearing takes place through Shaktipat and healing given by the Realized Master. It is best not to expect anything, come as an empty vessel and fill yourself with blessings. Expectation creates anticipation and that can be a barrier to receiving the Grace. Best to come with an open heart and mind and a desire to receive the profound experience and healing that your Soul has planned for you at this time. We promise that you can look forward to a more Harmonious, Happy and Healthy you!