Core Empowerment! ~Online / In-person~
शनि, 15 जून
|Mosgiel Holistic Centre
The journey of the soul from 'I am' to 'I Was' to 'I AM' with Himalayan Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji.

समय और स्थान
15 जून 2024, 9:30 am GMT+12 – 16 जून 2024, 5:30 pm GMT+12
Mosgiel Holistic Centre, 12 Church Street, Mosgiel 9024, New Zealand
इवेंट के बारे में
In-person at Mosgiel Holistic Centre OR Online
The journey of the soul from the place of 'I am' to 'I was' to 'I AM' with Himalayan Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji.
Core Empowerment focuses on creating a balance between your spiritual and physical health.
We've acquired various life skills to survive in our society, often finding ourselves striving to please others and burning out in the process. This is usually in an effort to gain recognition, acceptance, and love from our family, friends, or colleagues.
Many of us struggle with setting boundaries or taking responsibility for our actions due to the fear of rejection or judgment. This limits us and causes us to miss out on possibilities. These patterns become ingrained in our core and can even affect our immunity, leading to an imbalance in our physical health.
Guruji speaks of Core Empowerment—being strong at the core, expanding, standing up for oneself, embracing changes, and not repeating the same mistakes. It's about learning lessons and drawing wisdom from our situations. Life experiences bolster our confidence, giving us the resilience to withstand any difficult situation. Expressing gratitude and acknowledging the new knowledge we acquire can help us grow and develop as individuals, leading to positive transformation.
We invite all those seeking to effectively address their traumas, foster personal growth, and take responsibility for their choices.
Join us on this weekend event with Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji.
You will learn:
Reason for weak core strength
Reason for weak immunity
Self-help techniques
Energy Exchange
In-person : Early Bird $450 (plu GST +booking fee) unitil Wednesday 5 June
Standard $499 (plu GST +booking fee)
Online : $399 (plu GST +booking fee)
For any questions or more information:
Local Host : Tonia Waugh 0272110420
Looking forward to seeing you in person or on the screen!